Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Article Writing - Writing Product Review - Part 2

Make a video clip for your review.
Most prospective buyers and goods rather nice if it could see you explain about the product in video format, it shows that you really have to use the product, not just make a review.
It can deliver a big difference to the interest of buyers to immediately purchase the product, they feel that there is someone who has actually tried the product.

Create your image on the product
Try to make or obtain other images other than those supplied by the seller of the product. Buyers usually see pictures of products from vendors products directly, with a picture of your unique, will increase the willingness of buyers to immediately purchase the product

Give some tips and tricks when using the product
Write down your experience while using the product, provide a review of the best ways of using the product, and what not to do with the product

Video testimonials from others
Give it a few video testimonials from people who have been using the product, the more the better, choose a video that contains the reason people buy the product, and why they like it.

Way of revealing shortcomings and disadvantages when using the product
Write down the losses when using the product and the shortcomings of these products compared to similar products, write down as smooth as possible so your readers do not feel that you're writing a product shortage, but when read with a glance it would seem that it is the lack of such products. One way is to write down some of the shortcomings of the product after it is explained that the shortfall is less important than the usefulness of these products

Optimization of the article
The final step is optimizing your article in ways that are used in SEO. Suppose provide keywords that relate to the product at the beginning, middle, and end of the article. The title of the article using the keywords that best position on the left. Or you can search and find other optimization techniques by search engine

Read Part 1

Article Writing - Writing Product Review - Part 1

Did you know that the recommendations made by the buyer of the product are more effective than that provided by the company's review of the product? Research shows that 90% of buyers trust the advice of their friends, and about 60% believe the advice of people who have been using the product. If you can write an article that gives a full review about a product, and can give some recommendations from famous people, you can bet you will get a review product a good ranking in search engines. Surely a good thing for your online income. Some of the key elements you should consider in writing your article

Describes the product with short paragraphs and clear

The beginning of your article should begin with a brief description of the product to be in the review, no need to explain in detail the products, your readers just need to know clearly that they did not misread the article. In addition, your article could provide a solution to their problems

Specifications and the advantages of using these products

Write the article by giving a clear picture of the product specifications and advantages when using the product. For material specifications and writing articles about the benefits of these products can be found through the website the product seller. Conduct research and collect materials relating to the specification and usefulness of the product via search engines.

Write down your experiences that relate to the product

Most people want to know the user's first experience of the product, if you have never tried the product, or at least you have seen it used by friends and family, then the value of your review will be reduced 50% in the eyes of your readers. Maybe you can use writing reviews of other people to solve this problem, but is not it better if you have your own experience of dealing with these products

Write a review or a recommendation from others

Your best writing was not enough, readers of the article needs some references and recommendations that came apart from you, for example from other fellow buyers. This makes Amazon a good place to get references, recommendations and testimonials about the product, because at Amazon you can find many references and testimonials.

Always provide an objective review

Provide an objective review, which shows the bad side / loss and the good / benefit of using the product. Your review will appear more trustworthy if you also show the shortcomings and disadvantages when using the product. Give a good review first, profits and excess product, after it gave an unfavorable review, loss and lack of product.

Use pictures to clarify your own review

Use an image associated with the product, to form the image reader for your review of the product.

Give a little encouragement for the immediate purchase

Give a description and review why they should immediately buy the product, provide clear steps, for example by providing url links where the product is sold

Continue Reading Part 2

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